Friday, 1 April 2016

Find Out What Gem is For April Birthdays

Gemstones For April Birthdays

Diamonds for beautiful April People
People born in April get Diamonds as their birthstones. Diamonds are loved world wide and always in big demand because of their clarity and purity that gives off that wonderful sparkle. Sri Lanka is a gem mining island famous for rubies and sapphires but not diamonds as they are not mined in Sri Lanka.
The small tropical island of Sri Lanka sits off the southern tip of Indian a warm blue sea that kisses it's golden shores and although you can find a rich supply of precious and semi precious gems, Diamonds are not on the top of the list so be warned if anyone offers you a white diamond mined in Sri Lanka it's a scam!

Healing Powers of Diamonds

The amazing sparkle that Diamonds have comes from their purity and clarity, this is said to give them great healing powers allowing them to purify and detox the body. Diamonds are strong and unbreakable and so they are known for helping you to build up your bodies strength and stamina and to rebalance the metabolism. The purity of diamonds has lead them to be used in treating allergies and chronic conditions and to help clear glaucoma and to bring greater clarity to sight. Their healing powers are considered so great that they have removed dizziness and vertigo and improved the clarity and functioning of the brain.

Diamonds used to Predict Guilt
Believe it or not Diamonds were once used in trials to decide a persons guilt or innocence. Jewish high priests believed that if a person was innocent the diamond would sparkle when held in front of their face, but if guilty it would be dull and dark.

Famous Diamonds

One of the most famous diamonds in the world is the Koh-i-Noor Diamond, it is found in the crown of England and was a staggering 186 carats. However, it was not a very shiny diamond so Prince Albert had it cut down to just 105 carats trying to improve the shine. Result - smaller diamond still not shiny!

The most famous gem mined in Sri Lanka is the Blue Sapphire, the Sri Lankan sapphire was made extremely popular by Princess Diana who had a massive blue sapphire from Sri lanka in her engagement ring. The gems are mostly mined in Ratnapura which is an unremarkable town in the middle of Sri Lanka.

Traveller Tip 

If you want to buy Gems on your tour of Sri Lanka but are worried about getting ripped off, buy at departure, gems here are a reasonable price. For more useful tips buy my book and save yourself money!

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Planning a tour of Sri Lanka or want to learn more about Sri Lanka? Check out my 5* rated book  Backpacking Sri Lanka guide here

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