Monday, 15 February 2016

I love my Sri Lankan Boyfriend. Seriously?

Worst Gift Ever?

I was checking through Amazon when I came across this.

I love my Sri Lankan boyfriend. Really?

As I looked at this dreadful mug I wondered who the hell would buy such a product and more importantly why?
I am lost for words.
I mean, is it a gift a woman or gay man gives to their boyfriend? Or is it a gift someone buys for themselves just to remind themselves they have a Sri Lankan boyfriend?
Who knows.
Seriously who would spend $14.99 plus $3.99 postage on this? My book is a much better buy! it gives you useful information, honest reviews and makes you laugh in places. So much better than a mug or a Sri Lankan boyfriend!

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Gail Leach Smashwords Author of Backpacking Sri Lanka 
connect with me at
Twitter Gailceylon

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