Sunday, 7 February 2016

An Interesting Life

Starting The Book Backpacking Sri Lanka

Last year I began writing what was meant to be a short ebook guide on Lanka travel to publish on Amazon. I teamed up with a master ebook seller and started my Backpacking Sri Lanka guide for adventure travellers wanting to plan a tour of Sri Lanka.
The guide got bigger as I added more information on train schedules, an updated rail network map, tuk-tuk mafias, what buses to use and beaches to see. It was all taking a little longer than expected but I had the end in sight. Then suddenly disaster struck.
My mad landlord and his psycho rent collector turned nasty, I had to abandon my book and  escape Lanka very quickly (but that's another story), anyway my Sri Lanka travel book got severely delayed.

Disaster Strikes

Some months later I eventually finished my master piece and submitted it to my partner for publication and distribution, then I waited for the good news.

Instead of the good news and amazing sales I had hoped for it was yet another disaster.

Overnight Amazon had changed their payment system, this meant my book would not be making my partner the huge amounts of money he had anticipated. As a result he no longer wanted to be my publishing partner and all my work seemed wasted. After a few tears and a few beers, I did a bit of brainstorming. I realized there was only one thing to do.

As I began my research on self publishing, my head began to spin, so many options, so many formats, so much work! What's more it became apparent that a travel guide book on Backpacking Sri Lanka was one of the most difficult books to format! Self publishing sites really don't like train timetables, they don't like photo's and they don't like maps. This was not good news for me as Backpacking Sri Lanka has a map of the train network and tourist attractions and train schedules and photos, in fact everything you would need as an independent traveller touring Sri Lanka.
There was only one thing for it. A beer!

Suitably refreshed I began the task of reformatting and adding to my Backpacking Sri Lanka travel guide book.  I kept on and on until finally it was finished and my Lanka travel guide was ready to go for final editing.

Saved By

Here I am now ready to send Backpacking Sri Lanka off for final editing ready for publication on  I just have one small problem.
I am in Delhi India and the internet is completely rubbish. It's so bad I cannot get a good enough signal to upload my travel masterpiece of 132 pages. :(
One day soon Backpacking Sri Lanka a guide for independent travellers will be published!

In celebration I will be giving a special discount to a lucky few.
Contact me to be put on the special VIP promotion list :)

Gail Leach Smashwords Author of Backpacking Sri Lanka 

connect with me at
Twitter Gailceylon

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